About the UK CSA

Our Aims and Objectives

Despite claims to the contrary, Cash Still Matters!

Follow this link to download key cash withdrawal statistics and the UKCSA’s key policies.

The UKCSA was formed in 2020 to provide a focal point to promote payment choice and represent all organisations operating in the UK cash supply industry.

We aim to be as inclusive as possible, welcoming involvement from any entity that plays some part in the supply chain, from companies repairing ATM parts through to multinational cash-and-valuables in transit operators.

Our Associate group includes representatives from security equipment manufacturers and resellers, hardware and software suppliers, ATM operators, Cash Management companies, service providers and the insurance industry.

The UKCSA is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to engage with and connect organisations across the cash supply chain with UK government, regulators, trade associations, the retail sector and the British public, with the following key objectives:

  • To promote the passing of legal measures to guarantee acceptance of cash, so that it remains a valid payment option for UK consumers across all demographics.
  • To understand consumer trends and requirements for cash usage and acceptance – why and where do people demand or prefer to use cash?
  • To provide strong and high profile representation for all elements of the Cash Supply Industry in the UK that is focused on maintaining a strong supply chain.
  • To promote ALL cash withdrawal channels, including those that support “exact amount” dispensing, in particular to support consumers that need to be able to access all the funds in their account.

We aim to be a dynamic, outward looking and forward thinking organisation, focused on achieving positive results for those who support cash and, in particular, the British public.

All funds raised by the UK Cash Supply Alliance are used to further the objectives of the organisation; there are no paid employees.

©2025 UKCSA
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